What are the do’s and don’ts for managing HR records?

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Every employer has to keep information about his or her employees. These records must be processed and stored securely.

Systems for storing HR records usually consist of an electronic database backed up by paper documents and this ‘system’ has to comply with the following requirements:

It must be:

  • Accurate
  • Consistent
  • Reliable
  • Secure
  • Confidential
  • Easy to maintain

In addition to this it is highly recommended that an audit trail is in place in order to identify who has accessed documents and when.

Complying with this criteria when keeping paper records is challenging to say the least. A far more efficient way of managing personnel records is to store the records electronically. The IPC Group supply an electronic HR records management system which has a document retention tool to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act, has strictly controlled access rights and a full audit trail of all activity within the system. What’s more, the system can be linked seamlessly to the existing HR information database to enable users to drill down from the database and view the electronic versions of the records on screen.

The IPC Group also operates a confidential bureau scanning service and can scan an archive of HR records into a new system, relieving the HR department of the problem of finding the resource to scan the records themselves.

For further information on how IPC can help you work more efficiently, save valuable office space and comply with regulations please click here or call us on 08081 45 46 47.

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