What are the processes involved in HR Record scanning?

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There are two options for carrying out HR Record scanning: the first is to do it in house, i.e. using your own equipment and staff and the second is to outsource the work to a document scanning bureau.

Whichever option you choose, the processes involved are very similar. To begin with the ‘opus operandi’ must be decided such as how the files are to be referenced and whether they are to be scanned in sections or just as one single document. Examples of sections are ‘Application’, ‘Correspondence’, ‘Sick Leave’ or ‘Training’.

Prior to scanning the files must be prepared by removing staples, paperclips and post it notes. Most HR records will scan quite quickly using an ADF (automatic document feeder) scanner but if any delicate material is included it may be better to use a flatbed scanner as well.

The scanned files are then indexed using the chosen criteria. This is usually the employee’s name, date of birth or National Insurance number. The next stage is to pass the files on to be quality checked. This is a very important part of the process as this is the time when any errors can be found and corrected.

Finally, the data will then either be uploaded to a server or if the scanning has been outsourced, the bureau may use CD’s or DVD’s as a delivery mechanism. When all this has been satisfactorily completed it must be decided whether the paper copies are to be confidentially shredded or retained. The most common solution is to keep the paper files for an agreed period of time, such as three months and then arrange for them to be destroyed.

For further information or to discuss your HR Record scanning in more detail please click here or call The IPC Group on 08081 45 46 47.

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