What is subscription based document management?

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The recently published BS ISO 22301 sets out the requirements for the implementation of a Business Continuity Management System for all types of organisations, regardless of size.

Having a Business Continuity Management System enables a company to prepare for disruptive incidents, ensuring that the business continues to function with minimal impact on customers and suppliers.

One of the requirements of the standard is for an organisation to identify crucial risk factors which may already be affecting its functionality. An obvious example would be storing business critical information on site in paper format. In the event of a fire, flood or a terrorist attack the business would find it difficult to recover if the paper was destroyed. In fact many companies have found it impossible.

The simple solution to eliminate this risk is to store paperwork electronically. All emails and documents generated in house can be saved direct from application into an electronic document management system.  Incoming  mail can be scanned into the system either at point of entry in the post room or by the owners of the paperwork at a later date. If resource is an issue archive scanning can be outsourced to a document scanning bureau and also current or live paperwork can be sent to be scanned whenever there is a requirement.

The IPC Group supply EDM solutions and also provide a bureau scanning service which caters for all types and size of paperwork. For further information please click here or call us on 08081 45 46 47.

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