What is the best way to manage proof of delivery notes?

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Managing proof of delivery notes (POD’s) in paper format can be challenging. Not only do they require a vast amount of storage space but they can be difficult to find and get lost or misfiled. Queries can take longer to resolve resulting in poor customer service which is not good for business.

Storing POD’s electronically can totally revolutionise a logistics company’s way of working. They can either be scanned on site as soon as they are received or sent off in batches to a scanning bureau where they can be scanned to an agreed S.L.A. and delivered either on disc or via a secure web link to a server at your site.

The advantages of scanning POD’s are numerous. The most significant gains is that they can be accessed in seconds and considerably reduce storage space. They can be more easily linked to purchase orders and can be viewed by staff in different locations. The POD’s can also be made available for customers to view online, potentially reducing the number of customer service enquiries.

The IPC Group provides a bureau scanning service and also supplies document management systems and would be pleased to advise on the management of proof of delivery notes. To contact us click here or call 08081 45 46 47.

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