What is the business forecast for document scanning?

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Recent research has shown that document scanning is set to increase considerably over the next few years.

Businesses in 17 different market sectors were asked a series of questions relating to electronic document management and the results concluded that:

More companies than ever before are implementing an electronic document management strategy to capture documents both at mailroom and desk level.

Desktop scanning, however, is on the decline in favour of scanning on multifunctional devices (MFD’s).

Considerable growth is forecast for automated recognition and extraction of information from scanned documents (data capture).

Over 50% of companies surveyed reported a return on investment (ROI) on scanning and capture technologies within twelve months or less.

The main drivers for organisations are accessibility of information, security of documents, speed of access in customer service departments and improved compliance with legislation.

For further information and advice on electronic document management please contact The IPC Group on 08081 45 46 47.

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