What’s the most efficient way to carry out forms processing?

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Forms processing involves the extraction or capturing of data from any type of form, such as customer surveys, questionnaires, market research surveys, applications or claims.

The most common method of doing this is by manually inputting the information on the form into an IT system. Not only is this labour intensive it is also time consuming, costly and prone to error.

By far the most efficient way to handle forms processing is to outsource it to a document scanning bureau which uses forms processing software to automate the process. Forms can be collected from clients or delivered to the bureau by mail. First of all they will be scanned and then the software will extract the data from pre-defined fields on the forms. It is important that the forms are designed in such a way as to optimise the performance of the software and The IPC Group offers a form re-design service to ensure the best results.

The next step is to verify the data and carry out quality checks before it is released to the client. The data can either be delivered as CSV files or spreadsheets or it can be uploaded directly to a client’s server.

The speed at which the processing is done allows for swifter access to the results which, in turn, enables analysis and actions to be executed much faster than they would be using manual procedures. This can lead to improved customer service and immediate cost savings.

For a free quotation or to find out more about IPC’s forms processing service please click here or call us on 08081 45 46 47.

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