IPC earn their ‘divvy’ as they start to work with the Co-op!
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The IPC Group is delighted to announce that the East of England Co-operative Society has appointed them as their supplier for processing a high volume of survey forms.
In what is now a highly competitive retail market the Co-op must constantly monitor its performance and standard of customer service in order to stay ahead of the game. This is done using a combination of methods, one of which is the completion of survey forms by both staff and customers. Specific questions are asked and answers are graded numerically to provide a rating for each store and area of business. Once the data has been collected it needs to be made available to management as quickly as possible so that any issues can be addressed and resolved within the shortest time possible.
Keying the data into a system manually is not only time consuming but prone to error and labour intensive. The Co-op therefore decided to look for a more efficient option by using technology. IPC came along with the ideal solution which is to use form recognition software to automatically extract the data from the forms and supply it to the client on an Excel spread sheet.
The survey forms arrive at the IPC Group’s offices and are first of all scanned, OCR’d and then verified before the data is formatted and sent back to the East of England Co-op. IPC was also involved in the design of the forms as they have the expertise required to ensure optimum accuracy from the software.
IPC’s Director, Graham Light, commented: ‘We are very pleased to be working with the East of England Co-operative Society and to be playing a pivotal role in the collection of such valuable data. We hope to enjoy a long and successful business partnership with them and look forward to helping with the further development of the formats of the survey forms in order to optimise the quality of responses.’