IPC Group now supply an electronic student records management system

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IPC has a new product to offer to schools and colleges called mstore for Education. Developed around the core document management system mstore, this solution has been designed specifically to cater for the requirements of the education sector. Not only does it store current and ex student records electronically, there are also separate cabinets for HR, Finance and Administration.

Many educational institutions share the same issues; lack of storage space, inadequate security and non-compliance with regulations. Storing paperwork electronically automatically frees up valuable storage space, strictly controlled password access guarantees the highest level of security and automated document retention ensures compliance with Data Protection legislation.

It is simple to implement and can also integrate with other management information systems such as SIMS.

IPC also recognises that finding the resources to scan an archive of records into the system can be problematic for schools and colleges and can offer their bureau scanning service to do this on their behalf, enabling clients to get up and running with the new system as soon as it is installed.

For further information on mstore for Education please call us on 08081 45 46 47.

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