Local History Group use IPC’s document scanning services

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IPC was recently asked by a Local History Group if they would be able to scan a large map which was an integral part of a commemorative project they were undertaking. The group are planning a series of activities to mark the 170th anniversary of the great fire of Needingworth which is a village very near IPC’s offices in St Ives. On the 16th of September in 1847 a fire broke out and destroyed 40% of the properties in the community leaving 87 families homeless. The map shows the extent of the fire damage and they wanted to have it scanned so that it could be viewed online. Pam Roberts, IPC’s Marketing Manager, commented: “We were delighted to carry out the work for the Local History Group and pleased to have been able to have some involvement in the project. We wish them well with their ‘Fire Walk’ in September and look forward to working with them again.”

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